The sites are all developed with the superior post, longline and basket system in triple and quad lines, allowing optimum ability to make the best use of prevailing environmental conditions through height adjustment when appropriate.
Spat are grown to juvenile size in barnacle free Streaky Bay waters to encourage strong shell growth, suitable for long distance transport. Juvenile oysters are translocated to Coffin Bay to finish and condition in the nutrient rich waters. They take on the sweet flavourful characteristics of their unique pristine oceanic environment prior to sale. Government regulations ensure oysters are safe at all times for human consumption.
Crassostrea gigas (pacific or cup oysters) are cultivated at both sites, with spawnless pacific oysters allowing sales to occur all year round.
Ostrea angasi (native or flat oysters) are also cultivated at both sites.
Natural Oysters is currently owned by a pioneer oyster farming family, who have been cultivating oysters in South Australia for the last 25 years.
A family business, managed by Jedd Routledge, Jedd and Natural Oysters have a strong commitment to quality processes and a quality product.
Jedd’s involvement with the business over a decade has enabled Natural Oysters to achieve our vision of establishing the production of consistent quality oysters gaining national and international recognition.
Coffin Bay and Streaky Bay oyster cultivation is Government leased and licenced allowing security of tenure and investment.